
Want to Unlock Your Personal Power?

If you want total control of your time & life but don’t know where to begin, this
30 Day challenge will transform you with 9 secret but powerful tools to discover your life purpose, break all your limits & completely change the story of your life…

9 Hours of Life intensive skills

These 9 hours intensive life skills are geared for self transformation which can be taken anytime, anywhere.

These skills will form the foundation which allow you to unlock your higher powers & be your best self ever.

30 Days Transform Challenge

You will be actually practising these 9 powerful rituals and this will ensure that the change in you is permanent.

It is like building muscles, daily as you work on your mind, body and soul, you get fully transformed.

Lifelong Community

When you join Life Masters, you are not on your own as there are others like you passionate about personal change. 

This change is long term as it is not just for few days but continously practiced with others in the community. 

Do you feel that you have no control over your life?

Or about the way in which time is slipping away minute by minute leaving you with the feeling that there is so much you would like to achieve in life, but so little time to do it.

There are these amazing goals that you have always had, wanting to live a life of your dreams. As it usually happens a majority of our lives are spent fulfilling somebody else’s vision.

What goes wrong? Why are you unable to achieve those dream goals that you set out to achieve?

Let us see it this way by sharing the story of my friend Ashish…

Ashish started his career with a bang. Getting placed in a bank after completing his business degree was like a dream start. However, a few years later, he realised that this job took away his liberty to live an enriching life the way he liked to pursue his passion and being on his own.

Being a Slave of Routine…

Every single day he was now bound to a routine 9 am to 6 pm so to say, which even extended to later hours. Getting married, having kids and also having to pay off the EMIs of those Home Loans, Personal Loans as well as other commitments got him deeper into the whirlpool.

Ashish realised that he could have been well off on his own! While he closed business deals for his company, he realised that if could have put even one tenth of this effort on himself, he could end up earning much more than the regular salary he earned from his full time job.

He could even be able to find more time to follow his other passions, spend more quality time with his family and even devote dedicated time for his personal enhancement. 

What stopped him from Living this Life of His Dream?

Well, this is not the story of just Ashish, this is a life that almost 99% people live. They complete their education, get a job, get married, have kids, purchase a home, work their lives off from the age of 23 to 60 and then look for a happy retired life.

However there comes a time when they realise that the most crucial part of their life is now gone! 

Is it too late for you to begin?

The answer is, it is never too late. However what you need to consider is, how do you plan to make this change? So far you have lived your life in a particular way, made the same decisions
If you want to change the results that you are getting in your life, you cannot achieve it by being the same person that you have always been.

Change your actions, change your life results – Shift Your Identity!

The results that you are getting now is because of the actions that you are performing today!
Now if you want to change the results that you are getting in your life, you need to change the actions. To change your actions, you must also change your thoughts that lead to these actions and for this, you must be able to change yourself at the very core. You need to be a different person than what you are like today –  Change your Identity

Change Happens at Three Levels – Body, Mind and Soul! 

Yes, at each of these three levels, while you start making the changes one by one, you will see a journey of personal transformation unfolding in your life. And as you start changing as an individual, the results that you achieve will witness a sea of change. You need to change at your very core and everything around will change!

Life Mastery Program takes Hundreds of years of the most powerful rituals and packs them into 9 super practices that you can bring into your life!

The 9 hours of self transformation are based on truly powerful practices that have achieved results for the top 5% high achievers of the world and this program will now get you to not just know about these tools but also to put them into practice.

What it guarantees is complete and ever lasting transformation leading to a life changing experience whereby you can now achieve all the wonderful goals you wanted, with the ability, tools and a complete ecosystem to now go after any Goal that you always wanted to accomplish.

Here is how these 9 sessions lead to complete change in your Identity as it is today into the Identity of the Person you Dream to be Like…


Challenge Schedule

Start Your 30 Day Life Mastery Challenge

The programs is arranged in 9 sessions each comprising of some simple but highly powerful practices that are geared to get you to get on the journey of complete transformation in 30 days! Take these sessions at our own time, pace and convenience. 

Here is a glimpse of what you will go through… 

Manage your Time, Control Your Life. This is where the necessary urgency is built to take charge now

Even as you read this, time is flying by. Seconds and minutes, hours and days, weeks, months and years go past us with us being the same. No longer will we remain a slave to this routine. Here we work on some very effective time management principles practiced by the top achievers of the world to get our life back in our control.

Session One 
Duration : 1 Hour
With Vishal A

Get into the Achiever’s Mindset, Unlock the potential of your  thoughts to attain total mind mastery 

This is the first step where we work on the Mind at the very beginning. We live most of our lives as a program which is fed into our subconscious mind for years together. We try to identify what this program is that is responsible for who we are today and then change it into a new program of the Identity Shift that we seek.  

Session Two
Duration : 1 Hour
With Vishal A

Discover your True Purpose and Recreate Yourself to experience the Identity you always wanted to be

This session will make you reflect on your existing identity and the reasons why you are not able to produce the results you ever wanted in your life. You will work on a process to uncover your true purpose and with a highly effective step by step process, transform yourself into the Identity that is capable of living this dream life. 

Session Three
Duration : 1 Hour
With Vishal A

Tune into the Laws of the Universe, Be One with Nature to deliver maximum impact

If we are able to understand these laws and start moulding ourselves to be in tune with them, we realise that Life is no longer a struggle. With a deeper understanding of these laws, we can easily tide through and achieve effortlessly especially when we are in sync with the forces of Nature. Undertand these laws & follow them.

Session Four
Duration : 1 Hour
With Vishal A

Tap into the Source of Unlimited Energy and become a living dynamo 

Your energy levels determine how you function on a daily basis which ultimately leads to your productivity. If you constantly witness lower energy levels, it is time to shift instantly with some super effective breathing techniques, postures and states of being. The way you work with your energy levels will define your results. 

Session Five
Duration : 1 Hour
With Vishal A

Give a tremendous boost to your Health & Immunity to get much more done in a lifetime

Living a healthy life will get more done for you even as the years go by. Your biological age can be still many years younger as you work on your health every single day. Just 10 minutes of carefuly curated daily exercises, diets and simple yoga asanas to manage your overall health will ensure that you keep fighting fit & forever young.

Session Six
Duration : 1 Hour
With Vishal A

Practice deep meditation techniques and operate from your very source

Meditation is all about regulating your mind to focus on one thought and the quality of your meditation will depend on what you focus that thought on. You work on secret ways to build a much deeper connection with your soul & start functioning at a very different level with relative calm and ease.

Session Seven
Duration : 1 Hour
With Vishal A

Work with intuition and listen to your heart & consistently make highly impactful decisions

Sensitising yourself as a human being, you are now able to feel all the emotions even more fully. This is a sign of opening up to Nature & getting yourself to be in tune with your higher self. The more sensitive you are, the more you will rely on your intuition and your heart’s calling to make the right decisions every single time. 

Session Eight
Duration : 1 Hour
With Vishal A

Create Success Habits of High Achievers to deliver amazing results and let you live your Dream Life

If you want to change the big things in your life, you need to start small. And this includes your daily habits, the way you think, the way you communicate and even the way you work. When you start changing your old unproductive habits into new highly effective ones, you start building a momentum that makes you unstoppable.

Session Nine
Duration : 1 Hour
With Vishal A


What People Are Saying

If you are ready to leave routine behind you and feel that you are keen to maximise your potential, join Life Mastery. These programs give you the key to unlock your personal power and tap into the abilities that allow ordinary people to become extraordinary”

Bijo Joseph


Every once in a while, you do something that probably changes the way you look at life. But it is so rare to find a training program that actually changes the way you live your life. Life Masters programs achieve both, and faster than you ever thought possible.”

Vaibhav Jadhav

Business Owner

“I was skeptical… until I tried it. When I implemented the early morning rituals, I noticed an immediate difference in my personal and professional life. These programs will show you how to take control of your life, regardless of your past. Highly recommended.”

Ravi Singh

Stock Market Expert

Expert Mentoring

Meet Your Facilitator

Vishal Amberkar

Vishal Amberkar

Your Life Mastery Facilitator

Vishal is on a mission to help over 1 million people identify their true purpose and start working on their deepest core to unlock hidden potential , break all limitations and start living their dream life with highly powerful transformation tools that deliver sustainable results.

Having started of as an online marketing strategist where his role was to work with several entrepreneurs, business owners and getting them to improve and scale their businesses, he realised that success in business is ultimately a reflection of who the business owners are at the core themselves. To change their business results, it was necessary for these people to change their mindset, the way they did the smallest things possible and their complete identity as well. 

With these changes in place, the combined effect that it had on the business was much more impactful. And this effect could be seen in all facets of life, not just business, if we work on the very core of the human being with some excellent tools for the body, mind and soul.

With this in mind, Life Masters was born with the intent to help individuals take complete control of their lives  with a rich ecosystem that empowers them to tune into unlimited abundance, productivity and prosperity. 

Vishal wants to work on helping people to become the Masters of their time and lie working with the mindset of the top 5% high achievers of the world. 

Why Join Lifemasters?

The Only Life Transforming Program you will ever need

While there are several self help, mastery and motivational programs or sessions, short term interventions have little or no effect to bring about complete transformation. 

The need of the hour is a much stronger ecosystem with individuals passionate to bring in personal change and work on themselves on an ongoing basis, learning and applying some very powerful techniques, working on their body, mind and soul consistently day after day as they truly bring in a life transforming experience.